Friday, October 27, 2006
Fritz, my friend

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Need another fairy helper to come to my aid! Until we write again.........Have a good day! We are to get rain, unpleasant, but we really really need it.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Thank you kind sir - you must not have seen me frog some of it today at our knitting circle - I was busy talking and failed to pay attention to whether it was a knit or purl row.............and I did the wrong one! And didn't notice it was wrong until quite a few rows later, so nothing to do but frog. But all is well and the scarf is on its way to being finished!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
A Falling time of year.

The leaves always serve as a reminder of the cycle of life - they glow their brilliant reds, golds, yellows - then begin their journey down to the ground, swirling in the wind, landing sometimes way down from where they left the tree.
They also are a reminder that Christmas is just around the corner and I need to make headway on my projects, instead of getting sidetracked with other projects that run through my head, on their way to other people! I made some headway on Jeffery's scarf - but into the frog pond it went - needed more stitches cast on and a larger needle - just keep experimenting until the pattern gets set.
I think I hear dishes calling my name - and they don't always use an inside voice!!! Until we meet again!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Branching everywhere

This is my first lace project and I guess it looks like it - and not much like the illustration shown from Knitty.com! I am having trouble with uploading live pictures - so you have to take my word on it. The thing that keeps me going - is the saying about how lace looks before it is blocked! So maybe I can salvage this Christmas gift. I have cast on, while watching UTexas beat Nebraska, for my son's scarf - just a simple 2x2 rib, but done in a bulky yarn, it always looks good and goes quickly. However - plans do change!!!! Somewhere during the UTennessee - Alabama game - remember it is the 3rd Saturday in October! I ran into brain freezes. Maybe it was the snow in the Nebraska game. Maybe it was the needles I was using...maybe..1st I cast on 2 times in doing the rib, wanting to end in a knit on each end. Dumb Dora cast on 32 thinking I will have 2 extra stitches - which defeated my purpose. Somewhere I realized that 30 divided by 2 was an odd number, so I would have my odd repeat. But something about the needles kept bothering me. After my multiple cast ons (because Dumb Dora again forgot to purl the next rows instead of starting with knit.) Hard to watch football and knit!! Got that straightened out......but something about the needles were bothering me. Sure seemed large for #9's. Hmmmmmmm.....the package said 9, 9 inches that is. So my bamboo needles were a size 9 inch #13 needles. So to the frog pond again, quick trip during halftime to Hobby Lobby to get another pair from their very meager supply. So 3 hours of knitting and about 3 inches of scarf. So I take back all of the good things I said about the 2x2 rib scarf.
Friday, October 13, 2006
A Pink Ribbon

Today, as I continued to work on this "thing of computerese" I added a pink ribbon. The flowers are for my mother, who lost her battle with breast cancer almost 5 years ago, and two months short of my parents 50th wedding anniversary. October is National Breast cancer month, so please, anyone reading this, have your yearly mammogram! If you have never had one and are hesitant, as a friend, your mother, anyone to go with you and have it done.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
A new chapter in my life
I chose my blog name because it describes how I feel about my life right now. I feel like I am trying to find myself in the middle of changes in my life. Sometimes it is scary not knowing what the future holds, but at other times it is exciting. I do know who holds my future, that is Christ, so I know I have to go through this period that I am in now. My youngest child is in her 3rd year of college and has gone out of state as an exchange student - read that as across country!! I am disabled and can no longer work - so that means that I also cannot do a lot of things around the house that I used to.
I have taken up knitting, had crocheted for many years, thought this would be easy! Think again! The illness is in my central nervous system and I am having trouble following simple pattern instructions. But all is well, it is just a hobby!
I have taken up knitting, had crocheted for many years, thought this would be easy! Think again! The illness is in my central nervous system and I am having trouble following simple pattern instructions. But all is well, it is just a hobby!
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