I love the first peek at springtime! The weather is fickle - from 22F at night earlier this week to 70's in the day in the next few days. Perfect time to get out the pruning shears, work on the shrubs, Knock-out roses, planting new Clematis bulbs and all of those other early spring chores. Nothing brings back life better than digging and working in Mother Earth and thanking God for the benefits she gives us. I always start out with great plans, but don't have the help to carry them all out. My husband doesn't feel the same "spirit" when working in the yard. It's just about the bottom of his most hated chores list - or guess that would be the top of that list. Our bushes around the back show that. They weren't trimmed back last year, and have almost over-taken it and the walkway around it. He has the impression that planting things as close as possible to both the deck and each other is the way to go instead of allowing growing room for things.
Anyone need any Nandia starts? I have about a dozen from my bush in the front if anyone wants to come and get them! They are cheap! LOL