Monday, September 17, 2007

Knitting and my eye

I have done quite a few dishcloths for Carrie. She will be moving into the cabin that Andy has been working on for the past year. It is almost finished. So I thought some dishcloths to match her kitchen would be nice. Then I also am in an exchange and need one for it. It is finished but need to weave in my tails and block it. Someone needs to invent an automatic tail weaver and make a fortune. I think it is the job knitters like the least of all!

I did receive some bad news two weeks ago. My retina has partially detached again. So that means I am looking at probably 3 surgeries - one to repair the retina, one to eventually remove the oil from my eye, and one to try to remove the scar tissue that has formed. I am not looking forward to these surgeries. The pain, the inability to function, the effect it has on my body for this extended period. I have lupus and fibromyalgia, plus a gazillion more autoimmune diseases, so my body does not react normally, nor heal normally. But one does what one has to do.

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