Thursday, June 12, 2008

SP 12 Question of the week

What's your favorite summertime drink?

I am living in the South and am Texan by birth so Sweet Tea is always the answer. I now drink less sweet because of the sugar but still tea is my drink - even with breakfast at times!

Most southerners drink their sweet tea unadulterated, nothing but tea and sugar. The recipe is simple: Brew 3 family sized Lipton tea bags in two cups of water, pour it in a gallon pitcher, and add a cup and 1/2 of sugar while the tea is hot. Fill the pitcher with ice cold water and ice. Serve over plenty of ice.

That's what a southerner wants when they order tea. "Tea" in the south means "sweet tea."

Here is a recipe for a great summertime special tea that I like to make - Called Summer Tea

6 oz frozen orange juice
6 oz frozen lemonade
1 cup pineapple juice
1 1/2 cups sugar
10 cups cold water
6 small tea bags with 4 cups water

Brew tea. Add sugar and cool. Combine remaining ingredients. Makes 1 gallon.

1 comment:

Firefly Nights said...

Great summer recipe. I'm one of those odd Southerners who drink unsweetened tea.